(860) 510-0410
(203) 451-0429

Helping the Parent-Child Relationship

article-2263759-02712394000004B0-125_634x401We recently were discussing a happy tutoring experience with a client from Madison, CT. “I’m not the nag anymore”, our student’s mother exclaimed. She then described what we have heard often: “half of my conversations with my son had been about doing his homework or caring about school.” She relayed that her once close relationship with her son had been tarnished by the constant battles over procrastination and lack of concern from her son.

Her son had said something similar: “I just want my Mom off my back.”

When we intervened, we engaged in The Student Mastery Program and added some math tutoring.

Monitoring the student’s homework was part of our task.

His mom was reluctant to stop her “nagging” (which actually was just good parenting). But, she began to see that his accountability to us was shifting his attitude about work.  I explained that the tension between being the nurturer and the boss causes most parents to face the same challenge.

After a few months, Mom called to say “I feel like I have my son back!”

We have had similar tutoring experiences recently with students from Old Lyme, East Lyme, and Stonington among other locations in Southeastern, CT.

The challenge is the

Very satisfying for everyone involved.