Interrupted college? Not sure about college? The High School to College (or not) to Career Program

By General Education Advice

Parents understandably wonder if I work with:

(1) those who have not gone to college or

(2) started but stopped college and are

(2a) either unsure whether they will return to college


(2b) know they will not go back to college


(2c) would go back to college or further non-traditional training but only after sorting out their career direction.

The simple answer is “yes” and the more abstract answer is that this is the area where the largest amount of my energy during the last few years has been focused.

I meet with my young adult clients (and sometimes their parents for part of the first meeting).

Beforehand, I provide personality profiling and career tests and an opportunity for narration so that “I’m ready” and so that the cost of our work is minimized.

The first meeting is the “vision” meeting.  If we get it right and the work required to move towards the career path can be done without my help, then we are done… unless you desire more help.

For some, of course, the vision may take more than one meeting and my help related to enacting the vision  [job search/resume creation/cover letters/interviewing and potentially heading back for more education and training, not necessarily college] is needed.