The best thing you can do is ask your own trusted sources in Shoreline and Southeastern Connecticut about our test prep programs. We are confident that you will hear that The Learning Consultants is the best at this work in areas that we serve in Connecticut.
The Individual Difference:
Your student-child is unique. Factory-type prep programs treat their students in generic fashion, with a cookie-cutter approach to teaching.
While any program is better than none at all, the best programs account for individual differences and endeavor to provide customized interaction.
At The Learning Consultants, our relationships are personal. We know our students and constantly try to adjust our approach to individually fit each student.
The main differences between our program and others:
1) Teaching Quality. Daryl Capuano, the founder, is the primary teacher. Unlike franchises that hire bright graduate students who may or may not be good teachers, Daryl is a master teacher. This is a passion and a profession for us, not just a part-time job like it is for most teachers at other tutoring companies. Our other teachers such as Jean Card, Dr. Dan Hartman, Dr. Kristina Knobelsdorff, Galen Cawley and Jesse Brockwell have developed loyal followings due to their outstanding teaching ability.
(2) Personal Attention. You and your child will have high personal attention. We know all our students well and do whatever we can to help them. We customize our programs to perfectly suit every client’s needs and aspirations.
(3) Motivational, Engaging, Dynamic and Fun Classes. To the great surprise of parents, many of our students return home and announce that they actually enjoyed class.
While we can’t fully reveal the tricks of our trade to make the classes so stimulating (our competitors routinely try to imitate our unique design), you and your child will be pleasantly surprised by the sheer fun we have in class. Why is fun so important?
When students are in a positive mood, they are more likely to be inspired and motivated.
We also have unique methods designed to shift psychological energy in students to help them become engaged in the process learning. These methods have become our differentiating factor in making our test prep programs the best in the area.
Many of our students also take the ACT exam. Our proprietary methods have led to similar success with the ACT.