Stonington CT Tutoring and Test Prep
- Stonington CT Tutoring and Test Prep
Stonington High School
Stonington, CT
School Facts:
– Location: 176 South Broad Street
Pawcatuck, CT 06379
– Stonington High School CAPT Scores – CT State Average CAPT Scores
– Math: 260 – Math: 253
– Science: 260 – Science: 260
– Reading: 247 – Reading: 244
– Writing: 264 – Writing: 262
– Stonington High School SAT Scores – CT State Average SAT Scores
– Math: 526 – Math: 508
– Verbal: 532 – Verbal: 508
– Stonington Middle School CMT Scores by Grade
– Stonington, CT 4th Grade CMT Scores – CT State Average CMT Scores
– Reading: 60 – Reading: 53
– Math: 53 – Math: 57
– Writing: 63 – Writing: 63
– Stonington, CT 6th Grade CMT Scores – CT State Average CMT Scores
– Reading: 66 – Reading: 60
– Math: 53 – Math: 61
– Writing: 50 – Writing: 61
– Stonington, CT 8th Grade CMT Scores – CT State Average CMT Scores
– Reading: 74 – Reading: 65
– Math: 63 – Math: 56
– Writing: 65 – Writing: 61
Mission Statement:
Stonington High School represents a community
committed to fostering a lifelong pursuit of learning
in a challenging, motivating, and inspiring environment
where each student acquires the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary
to become a responsible citizen as well as lead a productive and rewarding life.
Expectations for Student Learning
There is a common, integrated, and independent set of learnings which is essential to the development of all students. These outcomes represent a preparation for life which involves not only preparation for employment and further education but also those learnings necessary to become a productive and contributing member of society. Consequently, as part of education at Stonington High School, each student will continue to acquire the following attributes, attitudes, skills, competencies, understandings, and applications.
The Stonington High School student demonstrates competency in the following expectations:
Academic Expectations
xx proficiency in speaking, listening, and viewing;
the ability to read and respond critically to various types of texts in all disciplines;
the ability to write for different purposes and for different audiences;
the ability to use a variety of research tools to interpret, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information;
skilled use of technological resources to facilitate learning across disciplines;
competency in mathematical reasoning and problem solving skills;
the ability to inquire, the capacity to use scientific principles in a variety of real world situations, and the ability to communicate effectively about science;
the ability to make connections among disciplines, understanding his/her education as a synthesis of knowledge; and
acquire proficiency in one language other than his/her native language;
maintain behaviors that promote lifelong personal wellness and physical fitness;
appreciate the importance of the arts (fine and applied) in expressing human experience;
Civil and Social Expectations
the values, rights, and responsibilities of a productive member of a democratic society;
work independently and collaboratively as part of a team;
participate with community businesses and agencies as part of the school-to-career and senior project initiatives;
participate actively and constructively in various community service activities; and
develop a positive self-concept, strive toward personal motivation and persistence,
demonstrate responsibility and integrity, and display respect for himself/herself and