SAT Prep: Pay For College
By Daryl CapuanoSAT ACT Test PrepI used to be highly self-conscious about the obviously self-serving advice to prepare vigorously for the SAT. I would also worry about blow-back from those criticizing the test. Now, at the risk of not being liked as much as my people pleasing nature would prefer, I realize that my worries are not serving my clients.
Those who claim the SATs are not important for college admission are speaking of schools that are lower in college rankings than most students – at least those who meet with private college counselors – are focused upon. Simply view the top 50 schools on US News & World Report’s rankings (despite many contenders, it is still the gold standard). SAT scores are almost in lock-step with the ranking.
But that has always been true. What has increasingly become both true and important is how critical test scores are for paying for college. As a father of 3, I’m highly sympathetic to the stress that most of my fellow parent-clients have regarding college cost.
My conversations on this front for those who are from the Connecticut suburbs: I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that you make more money than most Americans. (Annual median household income is around $51,000). The bad news is that you likely will not get financial aid.
Merit aid is not related to financial aid. And merit aid is highly tied to SAT scores.
So, with almost no worry about seeming self-serving…! Sign up for our next course.
CEO, The Learning Consultants and Connecticut’s top private education consultant
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