SAT Scores-Early Action-Early Decision
By Daryl CapuanoSAT ACT Test PrepEarly action-early decision programs can lead to wonderful senior years for those admitted.
Each year, as parents and students call with news about their Early Action-Early Decision acceptances, deferrals, and rejections, it has become abundantly clear that the single distinguishing factor among those who were accepted into competitive colleges is SAT (or ACT) test scores.
Last year, numerous students in Guilford, Madison, Old Lyme and East Lyme who had 1400 plus received Early admision to a variety of top schools. Those that had lower than 1400 were deferred (or rejected at some elite school)
For parents of juniors in the Shoreline/Southeastern Connecticut area, the best advice, given this knowledge, is to start test preparation early enough so that students are in position to score high enough for early admissions,
CEO, The Learning Consultants and Connecticut’s top private education consultant
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