Want your child more interested in college? Join our SAT class.
By Daryl CapuanoGeneral Education Advice“Whenever I want to talk about college or the future, my son either blows me off or tells me don’t worry about it.” A mother said last year in relation to her high school junior at Guilford High School.
After he attended our SAT seminar, he was eager to talk with his parents about college. “What happened?” his mom asked.
I wrote Motivate Your Son in 2012. It still provides a steady stream of royalty checks from Amazon. I’m glad the book helps parents of sons but what it really does is provide the framework for how I motivate high school students. There is a term “pattern recognition” that experts understand. My pattern recognition for things mechanical puts me on caveman level. Come to think of it, cavemen would likely be higher. But my pattern recognition for communicating motivational concepts effectively to high school students is one of my few developed gifts.
In relation to college, I understand which buttons to press in order to stir interest for otherwise undermotivated 16 and 17 year olds. If you want to have your kick-off to college, the best way might be to have your child join our SAT class.
CEO, The Learning Consultants and Connecticut’s top private education consultant
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