Essay help for your final college applications?
By Daryl CapuanoCollege AdviceAs Connecticut high school seniors receive their Early Decision and Early Action results, many have been deferred (or rejected) and are scrambling to finish applications from other schools.
The Learning Consultants can help. While the essays are ultimately the creation of the student, our experience working with thousands of students applying to college can make your experience far more effective. We know which essays “work”, which are cliche and which essays might work but need to be edited. We also provide what many parents have said is “a public health benefit!” Simply put, we ease the stress of our clients.
I recall an example from several years back. Raj, a student from East Lyme High School, had been a top SAT student of ours and had worked with us for both college counseling and help with his college essay. The combination of over-confidence about gaining early admission to his first choice college and a general tendency to procrastinate led to a total of 17 supplemental essays that he had to write between Dec. 15 and Dec. 31. Raj’s parents were beyond stressed. Raj had been shaken to the core by his deferral, as he had so much academic success that he never experienced rejection (even though deferral is not rejection). He was frozen in analysis-paralysis.
Fortunately, Raj met with one of our top college essay writing coaches and systematically completed in his essays with time to spare. If you need help with your college essays, contact us.
CEO, The Learning Consultants and Connecticut’s top private education consultant
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