Shoreline, CT SAT-ACT Mastery Seminar Start next week
By Daryl CapuanoSAT ACT Test PrepOld Saybrook, Saturdays, 9:00 am – 12:00 noon
Madison, Sundays, 10:00 – 1:00 pm
The total cost is $395.
This cost will include all materials, including The Official Guide to the SAT, The Real ACT (the ACT Official Guide and SAT-ACT materials specifically created by The Learning Consultants.
Super-flexible make-up options:
We have designed the program so that students can start late (and miss classes).
Make-up Sessions: EVERYONE MISSES CLASSES! This is entirely normal due to the busyness of students. So we have designed the program such that it is easy and normal to start late, miss entire weekends, and still get the full training.
Super flexibility:
(1) Students can attend either location on any given weekend, no notice needed.
(2) Students can attend classes in the next season. Most of our summer students do a combination of summer-fall classes.
(3) We have numerous make-up classes as follows:
Make-up class dates (all held in Old Saybrook):
Wednesday, September 19, 6 pm: Alternate start and/or make up date for those who missed either class 1 or 2. This class will review the best practices from classes 1 and 2.
Tuesday, October 2, 6 pm: Catch-all make-up date for anyone who missed any of classes 1-4.
Wednesday, October 3, 6 pm: This date will be the alternate date for seniors who are taking the SAT on Saturday, October 6 or any students who cannot attend class 5
Phone Numbers: Office number 860 510-0410 or, better yet, e-mail
Regular breaks are given. Food and drink in the classrooms are fine. The class is lively and energetic. Students are usually surprised that time passes so quickly!!!
CEO, The Learning Consultants and Connecticut’s top private education consultant
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