Summer is coming: Test Prep for incoming Juniors (and yes, it will still help with admissions and getting money)
By Daryl CapuanoSAT ACT Test Prep“Kaitlyn is a typical suburban kid from Madison…. she needs good scores….” So said a parent who works in college admissions about her daughter who attends Daniel Hand High School in Madison, CT.
How can I put this delicately…? Test-optional does not help typical suburban kids from Madison, CT. Unrelated to Covid, the policy was designed to address perceived demographic injustice both racial and economic. No need to get into the politics of all this… I’m a staunch independent… and I both detest bigotry and support meritocracy.
As for meritocracy, some terrible news for parents who think their children’s grades are good: grade inflation has made the GPAs of suburban Connecticut students far higher than back in our day. Students know this because they compare their GPAs to their friends. “I only have a 3.5…” said Dan, another student from Daniel Hand High School. In the not so old days, a 3.5 – half-way between B and A would be considered very good. Now… not so much.
Moreover, the pandemic has crushed extracurricular excellence for many. And, as I would say pre-pandemic, it’s wonderful that your child has a few activities but so do many other applicants.
So, yes, test prep 🙂
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