Your boy is not motivated…I know I literally wrote the book!
By Daryl CapuanoGeneral Education AdviceA decade ago, I wrote Motivate Your Son. At the time, I wrote it based on what I was observing. The Learning Consultants worked with an equal number of boys and girls. But in our Student Mastery program – designed to train students on how to be good students – “motivation”, as opposed to study skills or test taking skills was so far way a “boy” issue that I wanted to voice my concern. In the book, I wrote a grim prediction: these boys were not going to launch (as in being financially independent) and that would become a major societal problem. Those who fail to launch not only flounder in their careers but usually do not start families and usually have a whole host of other issues (depression/addiction as the most common) that follow.
Male underachievement is a growing issue in education, with boys falling behind in academic achievement and facing challenges in their academic, social, and emotional development. I should note that the broad issues is pervasive across the Western world. I was surprised that my anecdotal case studies based on those living in Guilford, Madison, East Lyme, Essex, Old Lyme, Old Saybrook and other Shoreline, CT towns not only carried throughout the Connecticut suburbs but throughout America and… surprisingly, Canada, England, Australia and other English speaking countries where parents read my book.
Causes of Male Underachievement
There are several factors that contribute to male underachievement in education. One key factor is the way boys and girls learn and process information differently. Boys tend to be more hands-on and experiential learners, whereas girls tend to be more verbal and auditory learners. The traditional classroom model, which is based on lectures and note-taking, may not be as effective for boys as it is for girls.
Another factor is the lack of male role models in the education system. In many schools, the majority of teachers are female, which can make it difficult for boys to connect with role models who share their gender and interests. This can lead to disengagement and a lack of motivation to succeed in school.
Additionally, boys may be more likely to be diagnosed with learning disabilities or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which can create additional challenges in the classroom. Boys are also more likely to be suspended or expelled from school, which can have a negative impact on their academic and emotional development.
Consequences of Male Underachievement
The consequences of male underachievement can be far-reaching and impact boys’ academic, social, and emotional development. Boys who underachieve in school are at a higher risk of dropping out, which can have lifelong consequences in terms of earning potential and social mobility. Boys who struggle in school may also experience a sense of shame or embarrassment, which can lead to social isolation and a lack of self-confidence.
In addition, male underachievement can have broader societal consequences. As boys fall behind in academic achievement, they may be less prepared for the challenges of the modern workforce, which increasingly requires high levels of education and skill. This can have negative implications for economic growth and competitiveness, as well as for individual and community well-being.
We are here to help. And if you have a teen boy…. don’t wait too long.
CEO, The Learning Consultants and Connecticut’s top private education consultant
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