(860) 510-0410
(203) 451-0429

Online SAT/ACT Test Prep

The Learning Consultants Online SAT/ACT Prep Program


We have created the best online test prep program on the market.

Students can now take advantage of this renowned self-paced online program, purchased as a standalone or as a supplement to our SAT/ACT Seminar.


SAT and ACT Online Course - Connecticut

Features include:

Diagnostic Tests

Thousands of Practice Problems

Personalized On Demand Quizzes

Concept Checklists

Advanced Score Tracking

Vocabulary Builder

Audio, Video, and Written Explanations


Independent practice is critical to score improvement.  This is a fact widely known among test prep experts.  In most cases, however, students are forced to work inefficiently, wasting their time on easier problems or getting stuck on harder problems.  They are in need of a more effective tool for their self study.

Ideally, such a tool would identify the student’s unique areas of need and address these areas directly, offering as many practice problems as needed and providing thorough explanations for the answer to each.  Our new program does just that and much more.

For more information, contact the site director in your area:


Southeast Connecticut

Daryl Capuano, CEO




Fairfield County & New York

Stephen Staunton




New Haven County

Timothy Swensen


(203) 506-6064