2021 Test Prep:SAT Virtual Mastery Seminar starting soon

By SAT ACT Test Prep
Below is the link to the full set of options, followed by detail related to the first option.

Winter SAT Mastery Seminars

Option 1: $295

The SAT Mastery Seminar – The Best Practices

Master test prep teacher Daryl Capuano will present the test prep best practice techniques, motivational lectures and interactive problem sets that made The Learning Consultants the best test prep company in Connecticut.

We have designed the virtual program to maximize both learning for our students and value for our parents. For that reason, our normal 3 hour class/$595 cost has been reduced in both areas. This is the stripped down “guts of the course”, best of the best practices. As will be referenced below, there are multiple add-on options to ensure full preparation.

While this class will be using SAT material – largely because the material is free online – we will offer an ACT boot camp class as well prior to the February and April ACT dates.  The techniques for the two tests are so similar that taking the SAT class will largely prepare students for both tests.


Saturdays, January 23 -March 6, 9-10:30 am (Jan. 23, Jan. 30, Feb. 6, Feb. 13, Feb. 20, Feb. 27 and March 6)

Sundays, January 24-March 7 10-11:30 am (Jan. 24, Jan. 31, Feb. 7, Feb 14, Feb. 21, Feb. 28, and March 7)

7 weekends before the March 13th SAT. While preferable to start with class 1, the course is non-sequential. As such, students can start at any time within the first 4 weeks, without adverse learning consequences.

Class 1: Reading best practices, motivational context for college
Saturday, January 23, 9-10:30 am or Sunday, January 24, 10-11:30 am

Class 2: Grammar best practices, motivational context for the long term benefits of working hard now
Saturday, January 30, 9-10:30 am or Sunday, January 31, 10-11:30 am

Class 3: Math, no calculator, best practices; motivational lecture on gratitude for the gift of college
Saturday, February 6, 9-10:30 or Sunday, February 7, 10-11:30 am

Class 4: Math, calculator best practices, answering strategy lecture
Saturday, February 13, 9-10:30 am or Sunday, February 14, 10-11:30 am

Class 5: Advanced verbal best practices, performance psychology
Saturday, February 20, 9-10:30 am or Sunday, February 21, 10-11:30 am

Class 6: Advanced math best practices, self-study best practices
Saturday, February 27, 9-10:30 am or Sunday, February 28, 10-11:30 am

Class 7: Advanced mix of math-verbal best practices
Saturday, March 6, 9-10:30 am or Sunday, March 7, 10-11:30 am

To maximize flexibility, students can attend either class on any given weekend. The presentation for the Saturday and Sunday class will be identical on each weekend. We will have make-up options for those who miss entire weekends.