College Essay Writing Bootcamp

By College Advice, Writing Training

Summer is the perfect time for college-bound seniors to begin working on their application essays.

For many, though, getting started is a major hurdle.

Parents so often try to help, but even the best parental nudging can create added tension, as we hear regularly from our CT and NY families.

The Learning Consultants has the perfect solution–a summer writing bootcamp for college essays.

Seniors who take our bootcamp will learn strategies for crafting authentic, engaging essays that will get them noticed.  They’ll work through each step in the writing process, from brainstorming to fine-tuning, with the end goal being a completed essay.

Two Summer Sessions: 

Session 1:  July 30 & 31, 2020

Session 2:  August 6 & 7, 2020

Time:  10:00-11:30 am

Location:  121 Main Street, Office 3A, Old Saybrook, CT  06475

Reserve your spot today:


The Learning Consultants