Getting Children Ready For The Worldwide Economy
By Daryl CapuanoGeneral Education AdviceIn general, the Connecticut suburbs create an idyllic atmosphere. As a transplant to this state – having lived in the Washington, DC, Philadelphia, and New York areas for the first 31 years of life – I might appreciate Connecticut’s people (nicest I’ve met) and suburbs (most peaceful and charming I’ve seen) in a different way than natives.
Having worked with Connecticut high school students for 15 plus years, I also know that the almost 1950s like suburban sweetness in Shoreline, Connecticut, among other Connecticut regions, creates insularity that makes those in towns beautiful bubbles. Growing up in towns like Guilford, Madison, Old Saybrook, Old Lyme, Essex etc. is wonderful but I would urge parents to realize that their children will be heading into a world wide work force.
I write this entry while I’m in London. I see a multi-cultural workforce – a part of the reason for Brexit – that has led to more interactions with immigrants to England than the English themselves. I’ve written about both the joys of a world wide economy (more markets for goods and services, more work opportunities abroad, and generally just a more interesting world) and I’ve also cautioned parents about the challenges (lots of competition from hard working people around the world).
The take-away point here is upon this summer. Most every country sends their children to school longer than the US. We have come to expect the highly entitled notion that children should have free time for several months each year. For those who wish to debate the point about entitlement, please read some history. Most people in history were farmers (peasants), manual laborers, or merchants of some sort. They – and their children – barely had any days off, let alone a couple of months.
Enjoy the summer! Have your kids regularly go to any of Connecticut’s awesome beaches. But build in some work time. 4 hours a week of some type of productive academic work won’t put in a dent in the hundred plus hours of fun they’ll have. It will, however, make them more prepared for a world wide economy.
CEO, The Learning Consultants and Connecticut’s top private education consultant
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