News for Connecticut Students and Parents: The New SAT and the Common Core
By Daryl CapuanoGeneral Education Advice“I hate the Common Core.” I’ve heard this from parents throughout the Shoreline and Southeastern, CT.
I’m not sure if it is another reason for Connecticut parents to dislike the Common Core or a reason – finally – to like the Common Core but the new SAT is designed to explicitly align itself with the Common Core.
I’ve always taken the philosophical position that The Learning Consultants will help Connecticut students deal with whatever academic reality confronts them. If students needed to be top artists to excel academically and gain admission to colleges of their choice, I would hire top art teachers. That they now have to deal with the Common Core is not the fight I fight.
But I will help our students by suggesting that their school work is now more connected to the SAT. At least from the perspective of test preparation, this is good news for Connecticut students.
CEO, The Learning Consultants and Connecticut’s top private education consultant
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