Paying more attention to prom than the biggest move of your life…
By Daryl CapuanoGeneral Education AdviceI enjoyed high school. I understand the appeal of big nights planned with friends. I also understood, even at the time, that prom might be the only night more overrated than New Year’s Eve. Nonetheless, I do hope the juniors attending prom have a great time.
Here’s the alarming news: more energy is being invested in creating elaborate and clever “promposals” than the college process. End of junior year and… that’s it besides a couple months of senior year to try to impress colleges with grades and test scores.
Moreover, when I meet with juniors for college counseling – even those who attend strong high schools such as Daniel Hand in Madison and Guilford High School – many have not created a college list, outside of looking at and often being confused by Naviance.
We’ve had a long Winter and I get that spring is coming and students – as well as parents – want to focus on fun. But after 15 years of working with Connecticut teens transitioning to college, I urge you to light a fire under your high school junior. It really is now or never.
CEO, The Learning Consultants and Connecticut’s top private education consultant
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