Connecticut Juniors: NOW is the most important time of your academic career

By General Education Advice
Connecticut high schools
High school juniors: The time is NOW!

I sometimes laugh – more often with late academically blooming boys – about their “saving it up” for when it mattered. That’s the best spin we can put on the first part of their high school careers.   But I then tell them that they must work as hard as possible during junior year.

If you are a high school junior, then you are in the most important half year of your high school academic life.

If I had to rank significance for each semester, it would be as follows:

2nd half of Junior year

1st half of Junior year

1st half of senior year

2nd half of sophomore year

1st half of sophomore year

2nd half of freshman year

1st half of freshman year

2nd half of senior year

You might be surprised by 1st half of senior year trailing all of junior year.

Consider that your college shopping list will be reasonably in place as you start senior year.

To make sure you move through the year effectively:

(1) Close out junior year with strong grades

Get tutoring if helpful

(2) Maximize your test scores

Join our SAT Spring Intensive

(3) Get your college shopping list in place.

We have significantly increased our college counseling work.

We can help in all areas.

Call 860 510-0410 or e-mail.