Creating the college counseling structure
By Daryl CapuanoGeneral Education AdviceThere are all sorts of problems with our educational process and its relation to college transition. One problem that is rarely cited is how most everyone has been programmed that change happens to them rather than by them. Consider how change occurs in school. 4th grade over. Time for 5th grade and all the massive changes – from a 4th grade perspective – follow.
Many of our college counseling clients seem to believe that the transition to college will happen similarly. They also overestimate how much super busy high school guidance counselors can help with customizing a college plan. Keep in mind that guidance counselors are often navigating genuine emergencies related to student mental health, serious problems related to student discipline, and multiple student to student, student-teacher, and student-parent dramas along with the other mundane but time-sensitive administrative work such as course scheduling. Creating a customized college counseling structure (schools that fit/schools where admission is likely/what needs to be done) is really too much to ask.
Our work provides structure for our clients so that they have a process for change. After crafting the college vision, we help our clients make the vision a reality.
I used to think that the crafting of the vision was our biggest contribution. I know now that helping our clients turn college visions into reality is at least equal.
CEO, The Learning Consultants and Connecticut’s top private education consultant
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